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Privacy policy

About us


Royalty Safe is a company of the khasana Peru Import group, hereinafter we will refer to it as "we", it collects and processes your personal data in accordance with this privacy notice and in accordance with the Civil Internet Framework and the General Data Protection Law Personal - LGPD. This notice provides the necessary information about your rights and our obligations and explains how, why and when we process your personal data.

We are located at Marconi 247 San Isidro LIMA-PERÚ, Telephone (511) 440-5736 and we are a company registered in PERU with RUC No. 20392686631. We act as controller in the processing of your data. Our data protection officer is César Landázuri, who can be contacted through the email


By using our website and / or providing your personal data, we consider that you have understood the terms of this notice.

To facilitate your understanding, we have divided the topics you need to understand as follows:

Acronyms we need you to understand:


- Personal data processed and purpose of the treatment

- Your rights

- How we share and / or disclose your personal data

- Security measures

- International transfers

- Consequences of not providing your data

- How long we keep your data

- What do we expect from you

- Updates to this notice

Acronyms we need you to understand

We have prepared this notice in accessible language, considering that your understanding of all the points covered in this document is very important to us.

With this in mind, we have structured this brief glossary with the main terms and acronyms that you will find in this privacy notice:


  • Personal data: are all the information related to you, both the information that allows you to quickly identify yourself (eg: Name, email or identity), and that which indirectly allows your identification (eg: IP address and protocol).

  • Treatment of personal data: whenever we use this expression and its variations, we refer to each and every one of the actions that can be carried out with your personal data (for example: collection, treatment, dissemination, access, storage, among others).

  • Purpose: is the purpose for which we use your personal data; the purpose of collecting and processing personal data.

  • LGPD: acronym for the General Law on Personal Data Protection - legislation that guides and carries out all our actions while we process your personal data.

  • Legal basis: these are the cases in which the processing of personal data is authorized by the LGPD.

  • Responsible (a): is the company responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data. For the purposes of this notice, Royalty Safe will play this role.

  • Operator: these are the companies that provide services to the data controller and process personal data on their behalf.


Personal data processed and purpose of the treatment

We process your personal data to comply with our legal and contractual obligations and to provide our products and services. We limit the collection of personal data to only what is necessary to achieve the purposes stated here.

Most of the time, the purpose of using your personal data is linked to the relationship we have with you after your interaction on our website and the methods we use to personalize your experience while using it.





                                  Situation                                                           Personal  Data collected                                                             Goals



          Use the "Contact" tab on the website                                                                   Name, Email                                                          Respond to your requests and requests,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             manage your requests when you request

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the execution of a service, attend your

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             requests of a commercial nature, allow our

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             team get in touch with you and comply

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with your rights legally established.


                       Use the "Work with us" tab                                                Name, Email, telephone number, profession,                            Evaluate and manage your application,                                        on the web site                                                          academic backround, and institution, languages,,                   carrying out the neccesary actions for

                                                                                                                   professional experiences                                                              selection and hiring and offer positions 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             appropriate to your profile.



                         Subscribe to our news                                                                              Name, email                                                        Send marketing content and communicate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Royalty Safe news as products, services,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            workshops, events, etc.


             Download our electronic brochures                                                       Name, email, position, telephone                                Allow to contact and send the material

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and other materials that we provide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             selected by you in our catalog of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             electronic brochures and materials.



Still, there are situations where we collect personal data about your activities (online or offline) from other sources, which are based on those personal data that you have decided to make public (for example: information from your media and network profiles social) . Personal data that you do not report to us, but that we process based on your activities on our website, is generally collected through automated technologies, such as cookies and web beacons, when:



                         Situation                                                             Personal data collected                                                           Goals


             Visit and/or use our website                                         Log record, IP address, Mobile device identifier,                                    Carry out marketing and advertising actions

                                                                                                       information about your computer equipment,                                     based on the analysis of which of our

                                                                                                       interaction behavior with the content we provide                               product may interest you; provide content

                                                                                                       duration of your visit, information   about the                                       and/or tion of your visit, content and / or                                                                                                               the content you are looking for.                                                                 services customized according to your                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       profile and characteristics;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             personalize your experience while using

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             our website; and keep and, in some

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             cases (read the section "with whom

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             we share your personal data ") share,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             analytical and statistical data on visits

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and the characteristics of the visitors of our

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             website so that the results of our

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             interaction with you are quantified and





In our Cookie Notices you will be able to identify all the cookies we use, the purpose of each one and the period of duration.

In addition to the objectives specified above, we would like to inform you that we process your personal data using the following LGPD legal bases:


- Legitimate interest; When we conclude that there is a significant interest in the processing of your personal data for the development of our activities, provided that this treatment generates some type of benefit or if you have already interacted with us at another time.


- Consent ; When you expressly authorize, freely and spontaneously, that your data be processed for a specific purpose and clearly informed at the time of collecting consent; remember that it is possible to withdraw consent whenever you want.


- Compliance with the legal obligation; When we process your data because we are required by law to do so.


- Execution of contracts or preliminary procedures related to the contract; When we have a contract with you or express your intention to participate in our selection processes.


Your rights


The General Law on Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) guarantees you a series of rights over your personal data. You can request the service from any of them through the tab "Contact - Privacy Sector" on our website or by email

According to the LGPD, you have the right to request:

- Confirmation of the existence of personal data processing: Right to know whether or not we process your personal data;

- Access to your personal data: Right to access the personal data that we process, if there is such treatment;

- Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or obsolete personal data: Right to have your data always complete, correct and updated;

- Anonymize, block or delete unnecessary, excessive or processed data in breach of the law: Right to have your personal data anonymized (make it impossible to identify a person who uses the data), block its treatment or delete it;

- Portability of personal data to another service provider: Right to have your personal data sent to other institutions when requested, if applicable;

- Deletion of personal data processed with consent: Right to request that all your personal data processed on the basis of consent be deleted;

- Information about sharing: Right to have information about with which third parties your personal data is shared, in what way and the security measures adopted in the process; Information about the possibility of not giving your consent for the processing of your data and about the consequences of such refusal; and Revocation of consent: Right to revoke the consent previously granted for the processing of your data.

If we receive a request from you to exercise any of the above rights, we may ask you to confirm your identity before fulfilling the request, in order to ensure that your data is protected and kept secure.


How we share and / or disclose your personal data


We do not share or disclose your personal information without your consent, except for the purposes specified in this notice or when there is a legal requirement. We use third parties who provide the services and business functions described below. All operators acting on our behalf only process your data in accordance with our explicit instructions and fully comply with this privacy notice, data protection laws and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

In addition, we share your personal data with

a) authorities and public bodies to comply with legal obligations;

b) our resellers / representatives;

c) companies that are involved in negotiations related to possible mergers or acquisitions in which we are involved.

If you would like more information on how to share your personal data, be sure to contact us:


Security measures


We take your privacy seriously and take all reasonable steps and precautions to protect your personal data. We work to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction, and we have several layers of security measures in place, including:

-The personal data collection environments are protected with SSL certificates;

-Only authorized persons have access to personal data;

-The devices used to access personal data have active and updated antivirus programs.


International transfers


We carry out an international transfer of your personal data only when we use the operators listed in this notice and, specifically, when these third parties maintain servers in other countries. However, keep in mind that we contractually require these operators to adopt adequate and suitable standards to guarantee the physical and digital security of your personal data and your privacy.


Consequences of not providing your data


You do not need to provide us with your personal data. However, as these data are necessary to establish contact and send communications and / or offers, we will not be able to offer some of our services without them.


How long we keep your data


We retain your personal data only until the purpose for which it was collected is achieved. Once the purpose is achieved, the personal data is eliminated, unless the treatment is necessary to comply with the obligations derived from the laws applicable to the case.

If you have registered on our recruitment platform, we will keep your personal data until 01 (one) year after your registration, so that you can participate in the selection processes that occur during this period and that may interest you. In addition, at any time you can request the elimination of personal data (See point "Your rights"), especially in the following cases:

-Decide to revoke the consent granted;

-Consider that unnecessary or excessive personal data is being processed;

-It considers that we have not complied with the provisions of the LGPD.


If you subscribe to our News, we will keep in touch as long as you decide to continue receiving our content. Remembering that you can at any time revoke the consent given or unsubscribe from the link in the footer of forwarded emails.


What we expect from you


We warn that personal data that may be considered sensitive by data protection legislation, such as those that reveal your racial or ethnic origin, your political opinions, your religious or philosophical beliefs, or your union affiliation, as well as genetic data, biometric data to unequivocally identify you, data related to your health or data related to your sexual life or sexual orientation should not be inserted by you in the text fields, while using our website, since none of the characteristics of this environment requires the insertion of said data.

Thus, with due respect for the guiding principles of personal data protection and the transparency with which we treat your information, if your message contains any of this data, we inform you that it will be deleted and you will not be answered.


Updates to this notice


You are our guest to periodically visit this notice, as it may be modified to improve the transparency relationship we have with you and to improve the measures we have implemented to keep your data safe and your rights fulfilled. Our goal will always be to protect your personal data and maintain a relationship of trust with you!


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